Daughter of Judas Priest Guitarist to Run Marathon in Support of His Parkinson’s Foundation

AceShowbizJudas Priest star Glenn Tipton‘s daughter has signed up for the Barcelona Marathon in Spain to raise money for her dad’s Parkinson’s disease charity.

Karina Greenin will hit the streets of the city next month (March 2019) in honour of the foundation her father’s bandmates launched last summer (18) after announcing the degenerative neurological disorder had forced him to retire.

Karina has kick started a GoFundMe campaign to allow fans to donate online.

“As many of you know, my Dad (Glenn Tipton) has Parkinson’s,” she writes. “It affects so many aspects of his life, and sadly has recently forced him to retire from full-time touring (the tremors causing problems with coordination that impair the speed and accuracy of guitar playing).”

“My Dad is ever the fighter and has an amazing positive attitude trying to battle this cruel disease. Judas Priest have set up The Glenn Tipton Parkinson’s Foundation in his honour, all proceeds raised from the foundation will go directly to a ‘pioneering new treatment called MR guided focused ultrasound thalamotomy which although in its early stages has already had great success with a Parkinson’s related condition called ‘essential tremor’.”

“Dad is keen to make a difference to help other people fighting the disease, and I’d love to support him. I’m participating in the Barcelona Marathon (10th March) to try and raise some funds. Any donations are hugely appreciated!”

Tipton was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2014.

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