Chrissy Teigen Says She’s 20lbs Heavier Than Before Son’s Birth & Embracing ‘New Normal’

Chrissy Teigen’s not sweating the post-baby weight. Ten months after baby Miles’ birth, Chrissy’s 20 pounds heavier, and she’s totally okay with that! The woman’s going to live her best life at any weight!

Chrissy Teigen opened up on Twitter about how her body has changed after having her second child, and in typical Chrissy fashion, she was entirely candid with her followers. The cook book author and Lip Synch Battle host, 33, revealed that she’s 20 pounds heavier after having her now 10-month-old son, Miles, and she’s perfectly okay with that. She tweeted on March 30, “‘how do you eat like this??’ — basically I am 20 pounds heavier than I was before miles. he’s 10 months old, I never lost the last bit because I just love food too much. Just coming to terms with my new normal, when I had this certain number for so long!”

Her statement is incredibly inspiring, considering the pressure women are under to get back to their pre-baby weight so quickly after giving birth. Especially with celebrity culture; so many stars bounce back within weeks, and it makes “regular” women’s self esteem dip when they can’t achieve the same results. Chrissy also tweeted that she lost tons of weight after giving birth to her daughter, Luna, and was even the thinnest she’s ever been. But that wasn’t a good thing; she was suffering from postpartum depression. She tweeted that she’d rather be 20 pounds heavier and be happy: “I’LL TAKE THESE POUNDS AND THIS FEELING!”

Chrissy does seem truly happy, and she’s living her best life. The questions about her weight were prompted by a tweet she had posted earlier about an amazing food fest she shared the day before with friends. They hit up a Korean BBG place, followed it with ice cream and donuts, and had meatball subs later at home. No regrets. Her followers loved what Chrissy wrote about her post-baby weight, and responded to her on Twitter. One commiserated about her own experience with postpartum depression, writing, “I dropped my pregnancy weight super fast due to PPD too. People would say I looked great., and I’d be all: ‘Yep…a lack of appetite due to anxiety will do that to ya!’”

Chrissy looks fab, by the way. Her look at the Oscars on February 24 was pure perfection. Wearing a form-fitting floral gown, trimmed with peach fringe, all eyes were on her at the Vanity Fair after party. So pretty!

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