Chicago sues Jussie Smollett for refusing to reimburse city

The city of Chicago has filed a civil complaint against actor Jussie Smollett for his refusal to reimburse them for overtime payments to police officers who investigated his alleged hate-crime hoax.

The complaint, filed in the Cook County Circuit Court on Thursday, comes after the city gave Smollett a week earlier this month to pay $130,000 in overtime cops worked while investigating his hoax hate-crime attack.

Smollett missed the deadline and has not coughed up the cash, Chicago’s City Law Department said.

“The City incurred significant costs in order to provide services reasonably related to Defendant’s conduct,” they wrote in the complaint Thursday.

Smollett, who is black and gay, claimed in January that he was jumped by two men who yelled racist and homophobic slurs, as well as “This is MAGA country!” at him during the attack.

The “Empire” star, 36, claimed his assailants doused him with bleach, threw a noose around his neck and beat him.

During their investigation, Chicago police determined Smollett set up the attack and paid two brothers — who both acted in small roles on “Empire” — to carry out the supposed beating.

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