Carl's Jr Is Coming Out With A CDB Burger For 4/20


Carl’s jr. is capitalizing on the national holiday of stoners (4/20) and creating a burger infused with CBD oil. It’s only happening at one Carl’s Jr in Denver (of course) and only for 4/20. I can’t decide if showing up at Carl’s Jr on 4/20 for a promotional weed burger is my seventh circle of hell or would be a fun afternoon. I’m sure it would be a combination of stoned teenagers, weed connoisseurs and a subset of people just trying to get a Carl’s jr  burger who have no idea why everyone smells like a hemp factory and Bob Marley is vaguely playing the background.

Also if you think this burger is going to get you stoned, you’re going to be severely disappointed. This is pretty much a waste of CBD oil. According to The Washington Post

But if you think you’re going to get blazed off a cheeseburger, bad news: CBD is a non-psychoactive compound in hemp. It does not contain tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the compound in marijuana that makes people feel high. Advocates say it promotes relaxation, diminishes stress and eases pain. In fact, some say that CBD can counteract some of the unpleasant effects of being high off THC— so if you show up to Carl’s Jr. stoned and anxious or paranoid, the burger could mellow out your high.

So it’s like the anti-high burger? A melatonin burger? I’m already pretty relaxed after eating a 1,000 calorie fast food lunch, so I can’t imagine wanting to be more immobile, but to each their own. And I do spend a lot of time thinking that people need to chill the fuck out so maybe this will be a good thing?

Also, capitalizing on 4/20 has become a thing with several fast food chains and not everyone is happy about it.

Even such mainstream brands as Burger King, Denny’s and Chipotle use the opportunity to connect with their customers through cheeky social media posts using stoner lingo. But professionals in the cannabis industry don’t love the pile-on from junk-food brands, which they say promotes negative stereotypes about the lifestyle.

Also there are other problems with the low dosage of CBD, according to Mashable

Since orally consuming CBD is less efficient than inhaling it, you’d need to consume high doses of CBD to feel anything. Blessing says the “lowest clinically effective dose of CBD for reducing anxiety is 300 mg.”

So this burger won’t have much of an effect though I’m sure standing next to all the weedheads in line might give you a contact high. Also, cue local crackheads lighting their burgers on fire and inhaling the burger smoke.

Pic: Carl’s Jr.

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