Britney Spears: My Fans Were RIGHT! I’m Being Held Captive!

One of the more compelling dramas of the summer of 2020 concerned Britney Spears’ conservatorship and the battle to bring it to an end.

Adherents of the #FreeBritney movement insisted that the pop icon was being exploited by her father and other conservators who have been in charge of her career and many other aspects of her life for over a decade.

Some even went so far as to allege that Spears is being held captive by the very people entrusted with her care.

The situation came to a head in recent months when Britney seemed to be sending coded messages to her fans on Instagram and imploring her fans to intervene.

After one court hearing was delayed due to alleged privacy concerns, Spears lost her court battle and a judge ruled that she was to remain under her father’s control until at least February of 2021.

Now, the appeals process has begun, and Brit’s attorneys are pulling out all the stops and forcing Jamie Spears to face off against his daughter in the public eye.

“Britney strongly believes it is consistent not only with her personal best interests but also with good public policy generally that the decision to appoint a new conservator of her estate be made in as open and transparent a manner as possible,” read court documents filed this week by Spears attorneys.

“The sealing motion is supposedly being brought by her father to ‘protect’ Britney’s interests, but she is adamantly opposed to it.”

Yes, according to filings obtained by E! News, Jamie wants the court proceedings to be sealed, but Britney knows the public is on her side, so she wants it all to play out in the open.

“Britney’s conservatorship has attracted an unprecedented level of scrutiny from mainstream media and social media alike,” the attorneys continued.

“Far from being a conspiracy theory or a ‘joke’ as James reportedly told the media, in large part this scrutiny is a reasonable and even predictable result of James’ aggressive use of the sealing procedure over the years to minimize the amount of meaningful information made available to the public.”

The lawyers went on to point out that much has changed in the years since Britney’s head-shaving meltdown in 2007.

“Whatever merits his strategy might have had years ago when Britney was trying to restart her career, at this point in her life when she is trying to regain some measure of personal autonomy, Britney welcomes and appreciates the informed support of her many fans,” the documents continued.

From there, the legal team alleged that Jamie’s desire for privacy should not be considered, as “he surrendered a large measure of privacy” when he took control of his daughter’s career.

“Transparency is an essential component in order for this Court to earn and retain the public’s confidence with respect to protective proceedings like this one,” Britney’s attorneys argued.

“In this case, it is not a exaggeration to say that the whole world is watching.”

It seems Jamie may have made a fatal misstep when he dismissed the interest in his daughter’s well-being as a “conspiracy theory.”

Now, it looks as though the very movement he was so eager to laugh off might help bring about his worst case scenario.

Jamie and his partners have worked for years to keep the details of Britney’s conservatorship under wraps.

It appears that they won’t be able to do so much longer, which means that no matter the outcome in court this time around, the truth will finally be revealed.

We can’t wait.

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