Bradley Cooper Says He’s ‘Embarrassed’ About His Oscars Snub? SRSLY?!

WTF, Bradley Cooper??

After knocking it out of the park in his directing debut, turning yet another remake of A Star Is Born into a classic in its own right and earning seven Oscar nominations along the way, how does he feel?


No, not because of the accolades being heaped on him and the film — but because he didn’t also get nominated for Best Director.

Photos: Oscar Snubs And Surprises 2019

During a conversation as part of her SuperSoul Conversations series, Oprah Winfrey asked BCoop if he was surprised about what is widely considered to be a big snub this year. He responded:

“I was not surprised. I’m never surprised about not getting anything. I felt embarrassed that I didn’t do my part. Well, I’ll work on that.”

Oprah didn’t help matters, saying:

“If I were you, I would be feeling some kind of way.”

To which Bradley responded:

“Yeah, embarrassment. I didn’t do my job.”

WHAT?? Of course he did his job! Again, the movie got SEVEN OSCAR NOMINATIONS! This is ridiculous!

Look, Bradley, sit down here for a minute…

Since the 2010 rules change, there are more Best Picture slots than Best Director, so there are going to be movies which get one and not the other.

And you were also getting a nomination for Best Actor, so you were an obvious one to cut. It’s not fair, but it’s something award voters take into account.

Also, this is your FIRST movie. Ever. Almost no director in the history of film gets nominated their first time out. Not Spielberg, not Scorsese. Almost no one. Eesh.

Do YOU think Bradley is being ridiculous??

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