Ariana Grande and Kylie Jenner Lost Millions of Instagram Followers Last Night and This Is Why

Kylie Jenner and Ariana Grande, two of the most followed people on Instagram, suddenly lost millions of followers each last night.

Ariana, who had over 145 million, dropped to 142 million.

And Kylie, who had almost 127 million, is now down to 124 million.

Other influencers like James Charles also saw a major dip in followers.

why did I just lose over half a million followers @instagram wyd sis

While it might not seem like a big deal for Kylie and Ariana to lose a few million followers, it definitely is a big deal for influencers with less followers who depend on those numbers to make a living.

As for an explanation, Instagram tweeted, “We’re aware of an issue that is causing a change in account follower numbers for some people right now. We’re working to resolve this as quickly as possible.”

We’re aware of an issue that is causing a change in account follower numbers for some people right now. We’re working to resolve this as quickly as possible.

That makes it sound like it’s an error in the way followers are being counted, not a massive purge of fake accounts, like some users thought it was.

Follow Emma on Instagram.

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