Angelina Jolie won’t reveal which college Maddox will attend this fall

Previously, we’ve heard that Maddox Jolie-Pitt was looking at various colleges here in America and abroad. I wonder if he’s still dating that girl in England, and if universities like Oxford and Cambridge were on his shortlist? We knew that he was also considering going to college in Cambodia and South Korea too. Well, Angelina Jolie recently confirmed that yes, her baby is going to college but she won’t’ say where:

Angelina Jolie‘s first child is about to leave the nest. The activist and actress, 43, is preparing for her oldest son Maddox, 17, to attend college in the fall — and the mom of six couldn’t be happier for him to take the big step.

“I’m nothing but proud,” Jolie tells PEOPLE in the latest issue. “I look forward to all he will do.”

Though Jolie doesn’t specify where Maddox will be enrolling, the oldest in the Jolie-Pitt clan was seen visiting universities in South Korea with his mom in tow last November. The two visited campuses in Seoul while Jolie was in the country on an official visit as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee (UNHCR) Special Envoy.

[From People]

My bet is that Maddox will go to college in New York. Still in the US, but far away from LA and far away from Brad Pitt. Speaking of, E! News had an interesting summary of where things are between Brad and Angelina, especially considering their divorce STILL hasn’t been finalized. Some highlights:

Brad wasn’t happy with the child custody agreement they worked out in December: “While some progress has been made, this isn’t an ideal situation for Brad,” a second source told us at the time. “There’s an arrangement in place but it’s not a permanent agreement, and there’s a long road ahead….Brad is hoping the worst is behind them and that they can move on from the fighting and painful past. He knows in the long run the kids are best with both their mom and dad in the picture,” the source told us. “He can now move forward and try be a stable and constant positive influence in their lives.”

Brad & Angelina meet weekly with a therapist: “They’ve both decided to try and put their differences aside and to do whatever they can to raise the kids in the healthiest environment possible,” a source tells us, adding that, while they still don’t see eye-to-eye on everything, “they have had to find ways to compromise…. They continue to go to therapy weekly and having a third party watch them interact and provide feedback has been helpful. They both understand that for the kids’ sake they need to be able to come to agreements.”

Brad is willing to compromise: “Brad is doing the best he can to work with her,” the source added. “He just wants to have a relationship with the kids and to make joint decisions on what’s important. He doesn’t want be shut out or shut down. It’s not fair to the kids and they both know that.”

[From E! News]

“Brad is doing the best he can to work with her” – he continues to paint her as the unreasonable one, the one who is spiky and difficult to deal with, and he continues to paint himself as the aggrieved party, the one who was wronged, the one who is only trying to find solutions… to problems which Angelina orchestrated, in his view. How long will he play that tune? When will Angelina be free of his bullsh-t?

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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