Torch Your Whole Body With this Hour-Long Battle Ropes Workout

Most battle rope circuits are pretty short and sweet. They’re good for finishing off a workout of completely zapping you in 10 minutes flat. But this battle rope workout from superhero trainer Don Saladino, NASM, is just that—a full workout.

Over the course of 60 minutes—yes, a full hour—it involves churning out 10 rounds of six different chest, shoulder, and core moves:

Here’s how it works: Perform 20 seconds of the first exercise, rest for 40 seconds, and then dive right into the next exercise. Repeat that pattern until you’ve completed all six exercises—and then do it all nine more times. (If you’re new to battle ropes workouts, we recommend capping things at just a few rounds. As you master that, you can always add on more rounds.)

Onnit Battle Ropes



Obviously that’s a lot of work, which is why Saladino has programmed the circuit workout with a 1:2 work-to-rest ratio. Rest is going to be critical to your ability to both push it during each work period and maintain safe, effective form.

With these rope exercises, a few universal form guidelines go a long way. First and most importantly, keep your core engaged at all times. This means not just squeezing the muscles, but also sitting back to minimize the dip in your low back and ensure that your ribs are pointing down, rather than jutting out against your abs. In this position, your spine will have the most support, your core will be able to efficiently transfer power from your lower to upper body, and your low back will avoid undue stress.

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Next up, treat your shoulders with the same sort of control. Engage your lats, brace your shoulder blades, and keep your upper arms firm within the shoulder sockets. Even during battle rope waves and slams, your shoulders should be in a strong position. Don’t let the ropes take control. You’ve got this.

Want to try out more exercises and workouts from Saladino? Check out his Men’s Health Superhero Shred program, which is designed with the same principles he uses to get his star clients in shape. You can also find Saladino’s program, alongside a ton of other fitness content, on our new All Out Studio streaming app.

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