How To Replicate Dr. Pimple Popper’s Nighttime Skincare Routine

Since 2018, dermatologist Dr. Sandra Lee’s work has simultaneously fascinated and disgusted millions of people who tune in to TLC’s “Dr. Pimple Popper.” While Dr. Lee may be more focused on extracting unsightly zits on her show, she has divulged quite a bit of wisdom when it comes to skincare routines as well (per SLMD Skincare). In 2019, she laid out her nighttime skincare routine as a part of Harper’s Bazaar’s “Go To Bed With Me” series. But before making Dr. Lee’s nighttime skincare routine your own, it’s important to be aware of the fact that her particular routine is geared toward those who have drier, more sensitive skin.

Before diving into her nighttime skincare routine, the dermatologist hands down one important thing to keep in mind while applying products of any kind on your face. When using cotton pads, a washcloth, or even your fingers to apply products on your face, Dr. Lee says that you should dab and never rub for the sake of your skin. “I don’t rub because I’m more prone to getting rashes or irritation, and when you do that, you get more wrinkles,” she told Harper’s Bazaar.

Prior to applying any products before heading to bed, Dr. Lee suggests removing your makeup with an oil-based makeup remover and cotton pads. Then, to ensure that you’ve removed all of the makeup and dirt from your face, grab cleansing wipes and dab at your entire face.

Dr. Lee centers her nighttime skincare routine on preventing wrinkles and skin damage

After removing your makeup, it’s time to wash your face. In Harper’s Bazaar’s “Go To Bed With Me” series, Dr. Sandra Lee suggests alternating between a salicylic acid cleanser and hydrating cleanser each night. Dr. Lee also emphasizes the importance of washing your face with lukewarm water. While your skin is still wet, she says to apply a moisturizing hyaluronic acid serum. “When your skin is still moist, that is the prime time to moisturize your skin,” she says. While allowing the moisturizer to settle into your skin, Dr. Lee recommends applying deodorant due to the fact that it will be the most effective when your sweat glands are mostly dormant while you sleep.

After the moisturizer has settled into your skin, apply a retinoid cream to your face that will work to minimize fine lines and wrinkles over time. Then, apply healing ointment to the areas around your lips and eyes to ensure these fragile areas can remain hydrated throughout the night. Finally, Dr. Lee recommends finishing the nighttime skincare routine by applying a Benzoyl Peroxide spot treatment on acne spots. 

For those who can’t resist popping their zits, Dr. Lee emphasizes the importance of waiting until the zits are near the surface in order to avoid making the blemishes worse. She is Dr. Pimple Popper, after all, so you better listen up. 

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