Don't Let Brown Hair Go Dull or Brassy With These Haircare Products From Sephora

Don’t Let Brown Hair Go Dull or Brassy With These Haircare Products From Sephora

It’s not just blondes who face washed-out color or brassiness in their styles. Cooler-toned, ashy brunette shades like mushroom brown can end up a little too warm over time, and warmer browns and “twilighted hair” could turn dull from sun exposure, hard water, or repeated chemical processes.

These haircare products from Sephora keep brunettes top of mind and get to the bottom of all that. There are things to add color, fix color, or just offer a little TLC to brittle, stressed ends.

Plus, they offer moisture and protection so you can have the very best brown or black hair possible, whether it came from birth or a bottle. Check out Sephora’s best haircare products for all brunettes ahead.

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