Thomas Cook passenger kicked off flight after threatening cabin crew

Shocking moment raging passenger threatens to cut off flight attendant’s head before being kicked off Gran Canaria-Gatwick flight

  • EXCLUSIVE: A passenger launched a foul-mouthed rant on a Thomas Cook flight
  • The man raged at cabin crew members and also at his unseen female companion
  • He was taken off the plane which was heading from Gran Canaria to London 

A raging air passenger was thrown off a flight to London after shouting at the cabin crew and threatening to cut off a flight attendant’s head, video footage obtained by MailOnline has revealed. 

The passenger launched a foul-mouthed rant at his female companion and the cabin crew who tried to calm him down on board the Thomas Cook jet. 

One of the other passengers filmed the angry confrontation as he sat patiently in a nearby seat, waiting to fly from Gran Canaria to London Gatwick. 

It is not clear what made the man so angry but he shouted furiously about his son and daughter at his unseen companion. 

Police were eventually summoned to drag him off the flight and he has now been banned from returning to the UK with Thomas Cook.   

The filmer, who has asked to remain anonymous, captured the footage last night. 

He told MailOnline: ‘[The man] eventually got kicked off the flight while his partner of some sort stayed on board. 

‘He was really going crazy. He was from London. I managed to film most of it as I was sat behind them.’

At the start of the clip the angry passenger is leaping out of his seat with a number of people standing in the galley to deal with what has already become a problem. 

The foul-mouthed man shouts that ‘I want to go home’ but a woman replies: ‘You’re not going home on this aircraft’.

His companion tries to calm him and pulls him down by his arm, saying: ‘Calm down, you’re not helping anything are you’. 

A passenger (right) on board a Thomas Cook flight from Gran Canaria to London launched a furious rant at cabin crew and his female companion last night 

But that merely leads him to turn his anger on her, saying: ‘You don’t f***ing help, do you? You f***ing started it all.’ 

One of the flight attendants crouches down by the man’s seat and urges him to ‘talk to me’, but the passenger fires back with a threat to ‘chop your f***ing head off’.  

The cabin crew member admonishes him, saying: ‘Talk to me nicely, I don’t come to work to be talked to like that.’ 

He urges the man to talk to him in the comparative quiet of the back of the plane but the passenger is again distracted by feuding with his partner. 

When the man launches another outburst about his son and daughter the cabin crew member tries again to reason with him. 

‘Come with me, talk to me. Come and talk to me in the galley,’ he says. 

One of the other passengers filmed the angry confrontation as he sat patiently in a nearby seat, waiting to fly from Gran Canaria to London Gatwick

But as the row continues he dejectedly puts his head in his hand and tells other passengers to ‘carry on’. 

Saying he ‘wants a word’, the steward tries again to lead the man away but asks ‘are you going to talk to me nicely?’.

The passenger refuses, saying: ‘No, because you’re going to chuck me off.’ 

He finally gets up again and walks towards the front of the aircraft, at which point there appears to be some further altercation, hidden from view by the back of a seat. 

His companion shouts ‘please, you’re not helping yourself’ before the video cuts out.

The man was eventually led off the flight by police and will not be allowed to fly back to the UK with Thomas Cook.  

A Thomas Cook spokeswoman said: ‘The safety of our customers and crew is always our first priority.

‘Following disruptive behaviour from a passenger onboard flight MT1069, police were called to the aircraft and removed a passenger before leaving Gran Canaria yesterday.’

‘We will not tolerate any form of abusive behaviour on board Thomas Cook Airlines.’

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