Who Is Tyler Cameron on 'The Bachelorette'?

Gather ’round all ye reality TV addicts and rejoice, for Season 15 of The Bachelorette is underway! Hannah Brown and her stable of potential husbands are busy trying to decide if they should smash their downstairs areas into each other’s downstairs areas and I, for one, am captivated. What a rush!

As of now, a few of the the guys are starting to step into the spotlight as possible future Mr. Hannah Browns, and leading the pack is Tyler Cameron. Knowing this, I, of course, had to do a deep dive into Tyler’s whole entire thing and find out exactly what makes this man tick. I’m going deep, y’all! I’m talking birth certificates, school transcripts, FBI files!! (Or, you know, whatever I could find online.) Here goes nothing!

He’s a 26-year-old from Jupiter, Florida

From Tyler’s The Bachelorette Facebook page, we can glean many fascinating details — like the fact that he’s 26 and from Florida. There is also a much-liked comment from one Mr. James Watson that reads ([sic] throughout), “Good luck he’s the best man on the show a really good person very talented and was brought up with very caring and loving parents his mother has devoted her whole entire life for him and her two other sons give him the chance and everybody will love him it’s not all about looks it’s personality and he will rock it” So… either this James is a crazy person who just likes the look of our boy Tyler, or is a friend of the family who is vouching for his character. Either way, I’ll take it!

He has a rescue dog named Harley

Another fascinating source of information is Tyler’s official The Bachelorette page, on which we learn that he loves his family and also dogs. Just once, I would love someone to be like, “My family sucks and dogs are FINE,” but whatever.

The page reads, “When he’s not working, he’s spending time with his family, scuba diving and hanging out with his rescue dog, Harley.” Aww, Harley. It is also revealed that Tyler has a MBA from Florida Atlantic University and “kills it” as a general contractor, but that is less interesting than the dog.

He almost played football professionally

He was drafted by the Baltimore Ravens but had to leave football because of a bad shoulder injury. He is very big and strong and I bet he gives great hugs! Oh shit, I might have a crush on him.

He was spotted making out with Hannah

They went on a one-on-one date and really went to town on each other. How romantic! Of course, our man on the inside, uber blogger Reality Steve, got the photos, if you’re into spoilers and voyeurism, which you totally are seeing as you’re reading this. Respect.

He made it to hometowns

According to (you guessed it) Reality Steve, Tyler made it at least to hometowns, and Steve has the pics to prove it! He and Hannah even went snorkeling, which is the most romantic thing two people can do around fish.

And that’s all we know — for now. Tyler, email your girl! I’m here if you want to drop any spoilers and also want to wear short shorts and pick up things on the ground. Thanks!!

The Bachelorette airs Mondays on ABC.

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